I had the pleasure yesterday of co-presenting with Blue Dot Advocate’s Seth Henry, and B-Lab’s Holly Ensign-Barstow on the Colorado Public Benefit Corporation legal entity form and conversion process. We recorded the webinar and are posting it here for public consumption. We raise important issues that should be discussed with counsel
Jason Wiener
A View from an Outside General Counsel’s Perch
I was an in-house general counsel for more than 5 years at Namaste Solar. While in the role, I learned that rendering traditional legal advice was, as they say, necessary but totally insufficient to being successful or adding value. My colleagues consistently pushed me to add value by offering what I now call “legally informed …
Cooperatives and Founder Incentives
Hi there. Today we’ll be discussing the ways in which contemporary cooperatives incentivize founders to take entrepreneurial risk and reward their visionary zeal within the cooperative structure. This question regularly arises in our work. Let’s start by unpacking what founder equity is really all about. When an entrepreneur starts up a new business, they’re taking …
Welcome – and Introducing the Jason Wiener|p.c. Blog
If the 18th century can be defined as the age of industrialization and competitive advantage of the nation state, the 19th century by the power of the corporation, and the 20th by corporate financialization, then, I believe, the 21st century will be defined by ownership.