
All information on the website www.dev.jrwiener.com is subject to this Disclaimer.

Materials on this website have been prepared by Jason Wiener|p.c. for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal, tax, or other professional advice. Information on this website may or may not reflect the most current developments, and is not guaranteed to be correct or complete. In addition, because the legal information provided on this site is general and not specific, readers should never assume that this information applies to their specific situation without consulting an attorney licensed in their state. Jason Wiener|p.c. disclaims all liability with respect to actions taken or omitted based on the contents of this website.

Use of this website does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Jason Wiener|p.c. Only a written engagement letter signed by you and Jason Wiener|p.c. can do that. Determining whether you need legal services and choosing your lawyer are important decisions that should not be based solely upon reviewing a website.

If you are not currently a client of Jason Wiener|p.c., please do not give confidential information to us. Any information provided by persons who are not currently clients of the firm will not be protected by an attorney-client relationship, and may be divulged by us.

If we already represent you and you communicate with us by email, you should note that the security of email is uncertain. Though we use our best efforts to protect data, please recognize that by sending sensitive or confidential email messages that are not encrypted, you accept the risks of such possible lack of confidentiality.

Jason Wiener|p.c. does not wish to represent anyone based upon viewing this website in a state where this website does not comply with all laws and ethical rules of that state. This site is not intended to advertise legal services in any state in which our attorneys are not authorized to practice.

This website contains links to other resources, which are provided solely to assist visitors in locating those resources. Jason Wiener|p.c. does not necessarily endorse, and is not responsible for, any third-party content that may be accessed through this website. Jason Wiener|p.c. has no control over sites that are linked to our website, and linked sites may make uses of visitors’ personal information that are not consistent with our privacy policy.

To ensure compliance with IRS regulations, we inform you that any information on this website relating to U.S. federal taxes cannot be used either (a) to avoid penalties under the Internal Revenue Code, or (b) to promote, market, or recommend to another any transaction or matter addressed therein.

By using our website, you accept this disclaimer in full; if you disagree with any part of this disclaimer, you must not use our website.