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Raising capital for a business

Employee Ownership of Craft Breweries: Great Beer That Benefits Those Who Produce It and Those Who Drink It

Craft breweries are growing in popularity nationwide—in 2016, small-scale breweries had over 20% of total market share in the United States. Breweries combine well-made beer and places to drink it that have broad appeal. What may not be obvious from the varieties of pints on offer is that craft breweries are also embracing employee ownership …

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Cooperatives and Founder Incentives

Hi there. Today we’ll be discussing the ways in which contemporary cooperatives incentivize founders to take entrepreneurial risk and reward their visionary zeal within the cooperative structure. This question regularly arises in our work. Let’s start by unpacking what founder equity is really all about.  When an entrepreneur starts up a new business, they’re taking …

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The Best Way to Fight Uber? Own It.

Originally published at the Roosevelt Institute Progressives should embrace employee ownership as one of the best ways to challenge corporate power from the bottom up and put supporting the growth of worker-owned firms in the center of our strategy. As the economy becomes Uber-ized and dominant firms in all sectors take up more and more market share, …

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